
Student Organization Fundraising

The Coordinator of Student Activities will only authorize fundraising activities for those student organizations officially chartered by the College. The College defines student organization fundraising as seeking donations or support from others; the selling and distribution of items, materials, products, or services; and the sponsorship of events where admission is charged. All fundraising events must be consistent with the policies and procedures of the College and the Board of Directors of the Technical College System of Georgia and the laws of the State of Georgia and the United States.

To receive approval, proposed student organization fundraising must comply with the following:

  • Projects may not interfere with normal academic programs or functions.
  • Fundraising activities may not take place in offices or classrooms, and organizations may only conduct fundraising activities in areas approved by the Coordinator of Student Activities.
  • Student organizations must submit all fundraising requests to the Coordinator of Student Activities at least two weeks prior to the proposed events.

The Coordinator of Student Activities will give priority to fundraising that is educational or directly relevant to the curriculum, philanthropic in nature, or beneficial to the entire College Community.

Offices or advisors of student organizations may not sign contracts until the Coordinator of Student Activities and the Vice President for Administration Services approve the requests and contracts. Student organizations must document receipts and disbursements for each approved fundraising activity to the Business Office within five days after the completion of an activity. The business office must approve procedures for collecting money, and all checks must be payable to Savannah Technical College. Organizations can hold up to two fundraising events per semester. Organizations must submit separate requests for each fundraising activity.

Failure to comply with these rules will be grounds to deny future requests. The College may deny fundraising requests for any of the following:

  • Adequate resources are unavailable to assist in supporting projects.
  • The requested activities are clearly outside the express purposes of the organization as stated in charters and/or bylaws.
  • The organization is on disciplinary probation or suspension or is inactive.
  • The risk factor is excessive.
  • The requested activities are not consistent with the policies and procedures of the College or the Board of Directors of the Technical College System of Georgia and the laws of the State of Georgia and the United States.
  • Another student organization is planning a fundraising activity during the dates requested.