
Student Representation in Governance

Students’ role in decision-making is an advisory one accomplished through the Savannah Technical College Student Leadership Council. Representatives from each program area serve on the Student Leadership Council. The council sponsors various events and manages community service and college improvement projects. Students interested in serving on the council should contact their respective program advisors.

During Spring Semester, council representatives elect officers who serve a one-year term that begins the following Fall Semester. The permanent slate of officers includes the president, vice president, treasurer, and secretary. A majority vote of the council establishes other officer positions. The officers serve on the Executive Board of the Student Leadership Council. The Executive Board approves expenditures of student activity fees, oversees budget requests submitted by student organizations, determines fund raising policies for student organizations, evaluates fund-raising activities conducted by student organizations, establishes meeting schedules for the student advisory council, reviews and recommends changes to the by-laws of the council, and coordinates the activities of the council. The Coordinator of Student Activities serves as the College advisor for the student advisory council and is an ex-officio member of the Executive Board.