
Certified Manufacturing Specialist Technical Certificate of Credit CM51

Savannah Technical College has partnered with many of our regional manufacturing partners to offer the Certified Manufacturing Specialist (CMS) Technical Certificate of Credit program. The program prepares students for entry-level employment in a manufacturing environment. Topics include organization principles, workplace skills, manufacturing production, automated manufacturing skills, and representative manufacturing skills.

Manufacturing Career Opportunities

As one of the high demand careers in Georgia, gaining knowledge in the manufacturing industry is a smart way to become a high demand employee. The National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) states that within the next 10 years, almost 3.5 million jobs are expected to be needed to keep production going. Even more shocking, it's likely 2 million more jobs will stay unfilled because there aren't enough skilled workers to hire. (Source: Deloitte and the Manufacturing Institute). Enrolling in CMS can help launch a career with limitless potential.

Economic Factors

The NAM goes on to state that "For every $1.00 spent in manufacturing, another $1.81 is added to the economy. That is the highest multiplier effect of any economic sector." Watch the video below to find out just why Georgia is Built for Business.

Minimum Test Scores:


Reading: 224
Writing: 236
Arithmetic: 229


Program Courses

AUMF 1520


AUMF 1540


AUMF 1560


AUMF 1580


AUMF 1660


Minimum Length of Program: 1 Term(s)

Total Credit Hours: 11