
Aviation Maintenance

Aviation Maintenance offers degree, diploma and certificates. The Aviation Maintenance degree provides students with an introduction to aviation maintenance as currently understood and practiced by Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) mechanic certificate holders with airframe and/or powerplant ratings. In addition, the combined powerplant and airframe curriculum provides technical knowledge and skills required to diagnose problems and repair aircraft powerplants, both reciprocating and turbine, their systems and components; and airframes, both metal and wood, their systems and components. Satisfactory completion of all program courses entitles students to participate in FAA powerplant and airframe examinations and certification processes. Most employers require the FAA Mechanic’s Certificate with Airframe and Powerplant ratings to be able to work on aircraft in the Aviation Maintenance field. These exams are not part of the program or cost of the program. Aviation Maintenance is only offered at Crossroads Campus.

Program Contacts:

Department Head

Tal Loos

Academic Advisor

Patricia Boyles





Would you like more information on our Aviation Programs?

We invite you to view our "students in action" video.

Join us for our Aviation Division Informational Sessions. Click the link below for dates and times of the sessions. Potential students will learn about the program and admissions requirements, deadlines, and Financial Aid. Sessions last approximately one hour.

Aviation Division Informational Session Schedule


Programs of Study: