
Savannah Film Academy On-Set Production Assistant Technical Certificate of Credit SFA1

The Savannah Film Academy provides an introduction to the skills used in on-set film production, including all forms of narrative media which utilize film-industry standard organizational structure, professional equipment, and on-set procedures. In addition to the use of topical lectures and instructional resources, the course includes demonstrations of equipment and set operations as well as hands-on learning experiences. Students will learn film production organizational structure; job descriptions and duties in various film craft areas; film equipment functions and protocols; how the various film craft related to one another on a working set as well as how and why they all must operate in sync; and networking and self-marketing skills. 88.4% of On-Set Production Assistant graduates are working in the film industry in AY18. That's why we are THE COLLEGE THAT WORKS. Film Instructor John Grace gives an overview of film training at Savannah Tech (YouTube). Learn more about the film program and your name to our film interest list.

Minimum Test Scores:


Reading: 224
Writing: 236
Arithmetic: 229


Semester 1

FILM 1010Basic Skills of Film and Television Production I



FILM 1020Basic Skills for Film and Television Production II


Semester 2

FILM 2010Advanced Skills for Film and TV Production I



FILM 2020Advanced Skills for Film and TV Production II


Semester 3

FILM 2500


Minimum Length of Program: 3 Term(s)

Total Credit Hours: 16