Procedures for Reporting Incidents:

The safety of students, visitors, faculty, and staff is a top priority of Savannah Technical College. Campus Police Officers are responsible for completing crime and accident reports and responding to emergencies. They also are responsible for enforcing other regulations such as parking, the use of controlled substances and weapons.

All crimes and other emergencies occurring on Savannah Technical College should be reported to the Savannah Technical College Police Department. However, individuals may also report crimes to other College officials, who will report the information received to the Savannah Technical College Police Department. These individuals have been identified as Campus Security Authorities (CSA) and include: Title IX coordinator, Deans of instruction, Campus Deans, Academic Advisors, VP for Student Affairs, and the Director of Human Resources.

Members of the community may report crimes directly to the Savannah Technical College Police Department by visiting the Police Department located in Gwen Goodman Hall or by calling (912) 443-5200. Other local authorities may be reached by dialing 911.

Emergency call boxes are located: on the exterior library wall facing the student parking lot; next to the elevator on the first and second floor of Gwen Goodman Hall; between classroom 1176 and office 1178 in the Business area of the Admin Building; next to class 1188 in the Business area of the Admin Building. These phones have a direct line to the Police Department. Closed Circuit TV cameras are located throughout the campus. These cameras are recorded and monitored by the Savannah Technical College Police Department.