

  • College-sponsored means the College’s activities that would reasonably be perceived to bear the College’s approval and license. These activities may be fairly characterized as part of the College curriculum, whether or not they occur in a traditional classroom setting, so long as they are supervised by faculty, staff or club advisors.
  • Disruptive means substantially distracting from or materially interfering with the College’s central mission of educating students. This definition does not include action that merely presents the possibility of discomfort or unpleasantness that often accompanies unpopular viewpoints.
  • Free Speech Areas means designated areas on each College campus where anyone may engage in speech activities.
  • Premises means any real property which the College possesses, controls, or owns.
  • Speech Activities means articulated opinions and ideas. This is not limited to spoken words, but includes symbolic speech, such as signs or posters, and what a person wears, reads, performs and protests.